PSI’s Astronomy Cast Podcast Named Finalist for Sonic Bloom People’s Choice Award

Category: Cover Story

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The Astronomy Cast podcast, produced at PSI in collaboration with Universe Today, has been recognized as a finalist in the Sonic Bloom People’s Choice Awards, which recognize incredible podcasting projects created and hosted by underrepresented voices across the globe.

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“When Fraser Cain and I started this show in 2006, we had no idea that we’d accomplish so much more than just educating people about science,” said Pamela Gay, Director of CosmoQuest and co-host of Astronomy Cast. “I can’t tell you how many times a postdoc or grad student – so often a woman – has come up and said they’ve been listening to our show since they were a child, and now they are an astronomer. Representation matters.”

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Astronomy Cast is engineered by PSI’s Ally Pelphrey and Richard Drumm, with project management and promotion by Beth Johnson.

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The Sonic Bloom People’s Choice award finalists are drawn from the finalists for other Sonic Bloom awards, and have been selected by jury. While each category’s finalists are judged and winners selected by a jury of peers, the winners of the People’s Choice are selected by you!

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The votes will be tallied and winners announced at an awards ceremony in Orlando, Florida on Jan. 25, 2024. To vote, visit

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Voting ends January 15, so don’t delay!

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Astronomy Cast takes its listeners on a facts-based journey through the cosmos and explains not only what we know but how we know it. New episodes are released most Mondays. Listen by asking your smart device to “Play Astronomy Cast” or search for them in your favorite podcast player or Spotify. Learn more and explore more than 700 episodes at

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