Targets of Interest: Asteroids, Ceres, Comets, Dwarf planets, Earth, Exoplanets, Icy satellites, Interplanetary Dust, Io, Jupiter, Kuiper Belt, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Neptune, Planetary rings, Pluto, Saturn, Small satellites, Titan, Uranus, Venus, Vesta
Disciplines/Techniques: Geology, Ground-based observing, Mapping, Mineralogy, Numerical modeling, Photometry, Remote sensing, Space-based observing, Spectroscopy
Missions: Cassini, Chandrayaan 1 (India), Europa Clipper, Galileo, Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Observer, MRO, EMIT on the ISS
Mission Roles: Instrument Co-Investigator, Mission Co-Investigator
Instruments: NIMS, VIMS, CRISM, Moon Mineralogy Mapper, MISE, EMIT
Dr. Roger Clark studies the surface composition of solid surfaces in the Solar System; the detection and mapping of minerals, organics, and other materials with imaging spectroscopy; radiative transfer modeling; laboratory spectroscopy; and instrument design and calibration, from lab to spacecraft.