Dr. Robert Reedy

Senior Scientist Emeritus

Currently resides in NM

Targets of Interest: Mars, Moon, Small satellites, Vesta

Disciplines/Techniques: Spectroscopy, Remote sensing, Neutron spectroscopy, Gamma-ray spectroscopy, Mapping

Missions: Apollo, Dawn, Kaguya (Japan), LDEF, Lunar Scout, Mars Observer, Mars Odyssey, NEAR

Dr. Bob Reedy’s research uses the products of cosmic-ray interactions to study matter and radiation in the solar system. Cosmic-ray-produced nuclides are used to study the recent histories of interplanetary energetic particles and of lunar samples, meteorites, and terrestrial-surface samples. Gamma rays were used to determine the elemental composition of the top meter of Mars and the Moon as well as 4/Vesta and 1/Ceres.