Missions: Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover, Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover, Mars Odyssey, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Global Surveyor
Mission Roles: Instrument Deputy Principal Investigator, Mission Co-Investigator, Mission science team, Science operations
Instruments: Mastcam, MARDI, SHERLOC--WATSON, THEMIS, Mars Orbiter Camera, Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter
Rebecca M. E. Williams is a planetary geologist who studies the history of water on Mars through orbiter and rover observations in conjunction with field-based analog studies on Earth. The overarching objective in her research is to understand the role of water in shaping the surface of Mars through comparison with similar landforms on Earth. She has led comparative planetary geomorphic studies at river, alluvial fan, and delta sites around the world to provide insight into martian landforms. Her field studies integrate sedimentological, topographic, and climatic datasets to investigate sediment transport, deposition, and landscape evolution. This research has implications for constraining the rates and histories of aqueous processes, and for elucidating the associated climatic conditions on Mars.