Peter Buhler
Research Scientist
Professional History
Education: 2018 Ph.D., Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology Advisor: Profs. Andrew P. Ingersoll, Bethany L. Ehlmann 2015 M.S., Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology 2012 B.S., Geology, cum laude, California Institute of Technology Research Experience: 2020- Research Scientist, Planetary Science Institute 2018-2020 NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow, Jet Propulsion Lab 2013-2018 Graduate Research Assistant, Caltech 2013 Visiting Scientist, University of Antofagasta, Chile Visiting Scientist, Centro de AstrobiologĂa, Madrid, Spain 2012 Visiting Scientist, Meteorite Studies, Western Australian Museum Researcher, Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Nova Scotia, Canada Curator Assistant and Field Assistant, Royal Tyrrell Museum, Canada 2009-2011 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, Brown University/Caltech Teaching Experience: 2020 Founder, Sirius Academic Institute 2018 Caltech Project for Effective Teaching, Certificate of Practice Recipient 2018 Guest Lecture, Formation & Evolution of Planetary Systems, Caltech Ge/Ay 133 2014-2015 Institute for Educational Advancement, Course Instructor 2011-2018 Caltech Teaching Assistant (6 courses) Select Outreach Experience: 2019 Invited Speaker at Caltech Geologic and Planetary Science TecherTalk 2017-2018 Caltech Reel Science host (program for school grades 3-12) 2017 Invited speaker at Caltech Geologic and Planetary Science 90th Anniversary