Peter Buhler

Research Scientist

Professional History

Education: 2018 Ph.D., Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology Advisor: Profs. Andrew P. Ingersoll, Bethany L. Ehlmann 2015 M.S., Planetary Science, California Institute of Technology 2012 B.S., Geology, cum laude, California Institute of Technology Research Experience: 2020- Research Scientist, Planetary Science Institute 2018-2020 NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow, Jet Propulsion Lab 2013-2018 Graduate Research Assistant, Caltech 2013 Visiting Scientist, University of Antofagasta, Chile Visiting Scientist, Centro de AstrobiologĂ­a, Madrid, Spain 2012 Visiting Scientist, Meteorite Studies, Western Australian Museum Researcher, Joggins Fossil Cliffs, Nova Scotia, Canada Curator Assistant and Field Assistant, Royal Tyrrell Museum, Canada 2009-2011 Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow, Brown University/Caltech Teaching Experience: 2020 Founder, Sirius Academic Institute 2018 Caltech Project for Effective Teaching, Certificate of Practice Recipient 2018 Guest Lecture, Formation & Evolution of Planetary Systems, Caltech Ge/Ay 133 2014-2015 Institute for Educational Advancement, Course Instructor 2011-2018 Caltech Teaching Assistant (6 courses) Select Outreach Experience: 2019 Invited Speaker at Caltech Geologic and Planetary Science TecherTalk 2017-2018 Caltech Reel Science host (program for school grades 3-12) 2017 Invited speaker at Caltech Geologic and Planetary Science 90th Anniversary