Matt Siegler

Senior Scientist

Professional History

Dr. Siegler grew up in the small town of Wayne, Illinois. Starting with a love for magnets on Brio trains, he developed a deep interest in all sorts of science, fostered by a supportive family and lots of documentaries. This lead to an odd double major in Physics and Film at Cornell University. After graduation, he spent a year working at CERN, then moved to California to study ice on the Moon, Mars, and Mercury. He completed graduate school with David Paige at UCLA in late 2011, then went on to work at NASA JPL where he became a research scientistHe currently works on the Diviner Lunar Radiometer on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, thermal and ice stability modeling of the inner solar system, and on the upcoming InSight geophysical mission to Mars. He is also extremely interested in public science education, co-creating a web series for “PHD tv” (an offshoot of PHD Comics), working at Griffith observatory and other science museums, recently serving as science advisor on the 2014 sequel to Cosmos, and is interested in writing popular science books. Dr. Siegler joined PSI in 2014.