Dr. Norbert Schorghofer
Senior Scientist
Currently resides in HI
Targets of Interest: Ceres, Earth, Mars, Moon
Disciplines/Techniques: Astrobiology, Climate, Field Work, Geomorphology, Numerical modeling, Thermal modeling
Missions: Dawn
Mission Roles: Mission science team
I study physical processes on the surfaces of the Earth, the Moon, Mars, and asteroids, mostly processes that involve water ice. Among my research interests are the ice ages of Mars, water ice in the polar regions of the Moon, and the cryosphere of Hawaii.
Past ProjectsAgreement for Service: Assessment of Permafrost Health on the Summit of Maunakea
Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii
Principal Investigator
Project Team
Kenji Yoshikawa
Mapping of Surface and Subsurface Cold Traps for Ice and Supervolatiles
NASA Lunar Data Analysis Program
Principal Investigator
Project Team
Jean-Pierre Williams