Targets of Interest: Earth, Moon, Titan
Disciplines/Techniques: High-Throughput Computing (HTC), Numerical modeling
Dr. Natasha Artemieva's recent work covers the effect of terrestrial impact ejecta layers on climate, in which she modeled the Chicxulub crater and thermal radiation from its ejecta, concluding with her colleagues that fires arising from such radiation cannot be responsible for plant extinctions at that time. She has explored the origin and distribution of lunar water, tracking the volatile transport in the transient atmosphere generated after a comet impact, with a focus on how these processes influence the accumulation of water in polar cold traps. She has also studied the Chelyabinsk meteorite fall, modeling the observed smoke train to better understand the puzzle of the very low recovered mass, and has written a popular article on the event. These are in addition to her work on the ejection of lunar and Martian meteorites and the characterization of impact ejecta around the world.