Targets of Interest: Solar particles/Solar wind, Earth, Moon, Mercury, Vesta
Disciplines/Techniques: Remote sensing, Spectroscopy (radio, infrared, visible, ultra-violet), Heliophysics, Education/Public Outreach (EPO), Safety (OSHA, codes/standards, root cause analysis, FMEA)
Missions: Cassini, MESSENGER
Mission Roles: Calibration/Test planning, Data archive, Data validation
Instruments: Radio Science System, Spectrometers
Dr. Elizabeth Jensen measures the magnetic field of the solar corona, how it evolves, coronal mass ejection dynamics, and magnetohydrodynamic wave dynamics between the base of the corona and beyond. She uses interplanetary spacecraft that pass through superior conjunction and how the Sun's corona impacts the polarization characteristics of the spacecraft's radio carrier signal. Faraday rotation experiments require coordination among three different teams, the spacecraft, the ground radio antenna, and solar physicists. This comprises small-scale program management. The analysis of Faraday rotation includes calibration, modeling, theoretical development, data analysis, and archiving. She also discovered how to measure the perpendicular magnetic field, the complementary measurement to Faraday rotation, in radio signals. Her professional experience additionally includes forensic investigations into failures, fires, accidents, and workplace safety.

The Multiview Observatory for Solar Terrestrial Science (MOST) spacecraft *PROPOSED* is shown; the antenna is part of the Faraday Effect Tracker of Coronal and Heliospheric Structures instrument