Planetary Science Institute

Leslie Vittling

Senior Research Associate

Currently resides in TN

Targets of Interest: Jupiter, Mars

Disciplines/Techniques: Education/Public Outreach (EPO), Geology, Volcanism

Missions: Juno, Mars 2020, Mars Global Surveyor, MER, MRO, MSL

Mission Roles: Data archive, Data validation, Instrument operations, Mission operations, Science operations

Instruments: Cameras

Initially, Leslie Lipkaman Vittling's primary research interest was active volcanism and the best ways to educate the millions of people that live near volcanoes of the potential hazards. In graduate school, she studied volcanism on Mars and, through the use of images acquired by the Mars Global Surveyor, found a passion for cameras operating at other planets. This has led to a 17+ year career in camera operations working primarily at Mars and Jupiter. Even though her career has veered away from volcanoes, Leslie has an active passion for Education and Public Outreach and has organized many events in coordination with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to inform the public about planetary exploration.