Dr. Gareth Morgan

Senior Scientist

Currently resides in DC

Targets of Interest: Earth, Mars, Mercury, Moon, Venus

Disciplines/Techniques: Geology, Geomorphology, Volcanism, Resources, Radar, Field Work

Missions: LRO, MRO

Mission Roles: Deputy Principle Investigator and Science Co-Investigator

Instruments: Mini-RF, SHARAD

Dr. Gareth A. Morgan specializes in using radar to study the geologic history of terrestrial planets. He is the Deputy Principal Investigator for the Mini-RF SAR instrument on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and a Co-Investigator on the SHAllow RADar (SHARAD) team for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Previously, Gareth collected Earth-based radar data from the now-decommissioned Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. His research, drawing on fieldwork in terrestrial analog sites, focuses on understanding volcanic formations and periglacial activity on Earth and Mars. More recently, Gareth has been involved in identifying resources for future human missions, notably as a Co-Principal Investigator for the Mars Subsurface Water Ice (SWIM) mapping project.