Haughton Impact Crater: Stop 11

Here’s more evidence of faulting at Haughton. You can see quite clearly in photo below that the rocks on the right side of the fault surface have slid and dropped down relative to the rocks on the left side of the fault (see picture below for more explanation). Because of the massive amount of energy generated during an impact and all the material that is moved and thrown around, faults are a common geologic feature at impact crater sites around the world.

Faults in the Rim of the Structure
Photo: G. Osinski, University of Western Ontario
Location: Southeastern rim of the impact structure
Scale: Height of the rocks above the ground is approximately 30-35 meters

Annotated photograph showing a series of faults dipping outwards from the crater center. The solid and dashed lines represent faults and bedding surface, respectively. The numbers above the faults show the amount of movement that occurred on that particular fault. This figure is modified from figure 11 in Osinski G.R. and Spray J.G., Tectonics of complex crater formation as revealed by the Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, Canadian High Arctic. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 2005.
Additional Photo #1
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Tour Stops

Haughton: BasecampHaughton: DirectionsTour Start & Visitor Center
Haughton: Stop 1Haughton: Stop 2Haughton: Stop 3
Haughton: Stop 4Haughton: Stop 5Haughton: Stop 6
Haughton: Stop 7Haughton: Stop 8Haughton: Stop 9
Haughton: Stop 10Haughton: Stop 11Haughton: Stop 12
Haughton: Stop 13Haughton: Stop 14Haughton: Stop 15
Haughton: Stop 16Haughton: Stop 17
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