PSI researchers from around the world gathered in Tucson Aug. 2-4 for the Institute’s annual retreat held at the Westward Look Wyndham Resort and PSI Headquarters. Scientific presentations, socializing and meeting new and old friends were all part of the event.
Above, PSI Director Mark Sykes gives his State of PSI presentation to the assembled scientists and administrative staff, outlining the Institute’s continued growth.
Below, Mark Sykes presents Frank Chuang with a Certificate of Recognition honoring Chuang for the quality and extent of his work over the years at PSI. Applauding are, from left, Deborah Domingue, R. Aileen Yingst, Oz Pathare, Eldar Noe Dobrea, Scott Mest (partly hidden) and David Crown.

Below, breakout sessions during the event allowed small groups to discuss a variety of topics.