PSI scientists and educators will present a number of posters at this week’s Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas.
NOTE: The Poster number is the LOCATION NUMBER in the Hall, not the Abstract number.
March 21, 6:00 pm, Town Center Exhibit Area
Poster #226
Jordan Steckloff
Poster #235
The UV Asteroid and Small Bodies Archive
Amanda Hendrix (Faith Vilas, Jian-Yang Li)
Poster #253
NEOCam Survey Cadence and Simulation
Tommy Grav (Sarah Sonnett)
Poster #273
Survival of Water Ice and Hydrated Salts at Occator Crater, Ceres
Margaret Landis (Tom Prettyman, Naoyuki Yamashita, Norbert Schorghofer, Hanna Sizemore)
Poster #277
Thermal Rotational Lightcurve of (1) Ceres at 1.2 mm Wavelength and Search for HCN with ALMA
Jian-Yang Li (Mark Sykes, Henry Hsieh)
Poster #350
Interaction of Crater Ejecta with Atmosphere
Natalia Artemieva
Poster #375
Spectral Characteristics of Ordinary Chondrite Impact Melts
Juan Sanchez (Lucille Le Corre)
Poster #412
Detection of Serpentine at Jezero Crater
Eldar Noe Dobrea (Roger Clark)
Poster #473
Aileen Yingst
Poster #496
Distribution and Morphology of Valley Networks on the Flanks of Alba Mons, Mars
Stephen Scheidt (David Crown, Dan Berman)
Poster #521
Mars Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM): Geomorphic Mapping
Than Putzig (Gareth Morgan, Zach Bain, Matt Perry, Hanna Sizemore, Isaac Smith)
Poster #522
Mars Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM): Radar Surface Reflectivity
Zach Bain (Gareth Morgan, Than Putzig, Isaac Smith, Hanna Sizemore)
Poster #523
Mars Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (SWIM): The SWIM Equation and Project Infrastructure
Matt Perry (Zach Bain, Than Putzig, Gareth Morgan, Hanna Sizemore, Isaac Smith)
Poster #537
Interannual Variability of Seasonal Activity in Mars’ South Polar Region Dubbed ”Manhattan”
Candy Hansen
Poster #545
Water Activity of Premelted Films in High Latitude Martian Ground Ice
Hanna Sizemore
Poster #554
Chronology of Volcanism in Southern Tharsis, Mars: Constraints from Lava Flows in Daedalia Planum
Dan Berman (David Crown)
Poster #573
Multi-Wavelength Bistatic View of the Lunar Mare Using Mini-RF
Gareth Morgan
Poster #587
Io’s Loki Volcano: An Explanation of Its Tricky Behavior and Prediction for the Next Eruption
Julie Rathbun
Poster #642
Neil Pearson (Roger Clark, Amanda Hendrix)
Poster #668
Geology of Alba Mons, Mars: Results from 1:1M-Scale Geologic Mapping
David Crown (Dan Berman, Stephen Scheidt)
Poster #669
Geologic Mapping Methods for Small, Rocky Bodies: The Vesta Example
Aileen Yingst (Dan Berman, Scott Mest)
Poster #694
Update on Archiving High-Resolution Lunar Gamma-Ray Spectra
Yuki Yamashita (Tom Prettyman)
Poster #701
Digital Terrain Models of Mathilde and the Moon
John Weirich (Eric Palmer, Deborah Domingue)
Poster #775
Jennifer Grier (Sanlyn Buxner, Julie Rathbun, Matt Richardson)
Poster #778
Team Dynamics During a Four-Day Effort to Map Bennu’s Surface: A Collaborative Effort
Jamie Molaro