PSI Personnel
Project Description
QI Where is ice present (contiguous and discontiguous) in non-polar areas (< 600 )
Defines where missions can land
Q2 What is the thickness and nature of the overburden above the ice?
Informs the depth and strength of material that need to be removed/drilled through
Q3 What is the % concentration of ice for a given depth range?
Determines the quality of the ice to inform extraction methods
Q4 To what depths does the ice extend?
Quantifies the volume of the ice that can be extracted
Q5 What thickness of dust covers the surface above buried ice deposits?
Q6 What is the surface roughness associated with buried ice?
Both inform the hazards associated with landing/operating at a given location. Note: Dust thickness and surface roughness measurements are by-products of SWIM analysis and thus acquired at no extra cost