Probing Water Ice in Distant Comets: Crystalline or Amorphous?

NASA James Webb Space Telescope General Observer Program-Cycle 2

Start Date: 12/01/2023
Project #: 1971
End Date: 11/30/2025
Award #: JWST-GO-02876.001-A

Non PSI Personnel: Michael Kelley (Co-Principal Investigator, University of Maryland), S. Protopapa (Co-Investigator, SWRI)

Project Description

Our project consists of JWST observations of three kilometer-sized distant comets (C/2019 E3, C/2019 O3, C/2020 F2). We aim to search for and characterize the diagnostic features of water ice as well as other volatiles and organic materials. We will conduct NIRSpec IFU spectroscopy in the Prism mode (4 dithers) with dedicated background observations in the same instrument settings. The spectra of each comet will be examined, and their water-ice properties will be determined via detailed spectral modeling. Given these objects are active well beyond the water- ice sublimation zone, their activity may be driven by super volatiles. If any gas emission is detected, the gas properties of the target will also be characterized. We request funding for data reduction, analysis, interpretation, publication, and presentation of results at conferences.