Phase E HiRISE (High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)

NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission

Subcontract to PSI from University of Arizona

PI: Alfred McEwen (University of Arizona)

Start Date: 09/25/2005
Project #: 438
End Date: 09/28/2025
Award #: Y432800

PSI Personnel

Project Description

Dr. Catherine Weitz is a Co-Investigator on the HiRISE camera. Her responsibilities include:

(1) Prioritize all HiRISE target suggestions in both the Geologic Contacts/Stratigraphy and the Sedimentary/Layering science themes. HiRISE targets entered by scientists in either of these themes will be prioritized based upon Dr. Weitz’s knowledge of the science interest and potential value from these targets. This is work she currently performs and will continue to do as part of this continuation of the mission.
(2) Perform in the role of the CIPP for a select number of operation cycles. The role of CIPP requires Dr. Weitz to work full-time for about 3 weeks in order to select the HiRISE images that will be acquired during a given cycle, as well as identify ride-alongs with other instruments.
(3) Perform research on light-toned layered deposits. Dr. Weitz and her postdoc, Dan Berman, have been analyzing light-toned layered deposits on Mars, including those in and around Valles Marineris. These analyses and associated presentations at conferences and publications in science journals would continue as part of this additional HiRISE work. In addition, Digital Terrain Models produced by Berman and Weitz will be released to the HiRISE PDS for access by the public.
(4) Assist the PI, Dr. McEwen, and the MRO Project as needed if there are science issues or questions that require her expertise.
(5) Attend HiRISE science team meetings in order to work with other team members on issues with the camera and MRO spacecraft. Report to the team on science results and provide updates on the two science themes for which she is responsible (Geologic Contacts/Stratigraphy and Sedimentary/Layering).
(6) Duties for EPO activities, such as writing captions for publicly released HiRISE images posted on the HiRISE public website.