PSI Personnel
Project Description
• Provide the service of Dr. R. Aileen Yingst, Principal Investigator (PI) for the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) investigation of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission, Dr. Michelle Minitti, MAHLI Deputy PI, and additional scientists, technical staff, postdocs, and students under their supervision.
• Service of Dr. R Aileen Yingst will include the following: i) Oversee all aspects of the MAHLI science investigation; ii) Represent the MAHLI investigation in the MSL Project Science Group (PSG); iii) Oversee management of MAHLI operations, data processing, and data archiving in coordination with Malin Space Science Systems.
• Participate in MSL science operations planning activities.
• Participate in the MSL Data Archiving Working Group.
• Participate in MSL Science Team Science Discussions, working groups, and Science Team Meetings, as needed to accomplish the MAHLI investigation and support the overall MSL science investigation.
• Analyze data returned from MAHLI and other MSL investigations, and present results at science conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.
• Provide materials to the MSL project for use in public news releases and outreach.
• Provide a quarterly report summarizing subcontract activities.