Project Description
The Subcontractor shall furnish the services of Dr. Roger Clark acting in the capacity of Co-Investigator (Co-I) for the Mapping Imaging Spectrometer (MISE) Investigation, and the necessary administrative, technical and scientific support to conduct the MISE for the Mission Operations and Data Analysis (MO&DA) phase of the Europa Clipper Mission in accordance with the following Article 1 statement of work and referenced exhibit.
The Co-I shall support the MISE Principal Investigator (PI), in order to accomplish all efforts associated with this Statement of Work consistent with the Europa Clipper Science Management Plan.
In the performance of this effort, the Subcontractor shall:
1.1 Perform interpretation of MISE imaging spectrometer data to understand the surface compositions of Europa.
1.2 Support development of photometric and calibration observations and interpretation.
1.3 Conduct laboratory measurement of materials relevant to Europa over the MISE wavelength ranges.
1.4 Support the development of evolution models for Europa based on Europa Clipper measurements and their interpretation related to the habitability of Europa.
1.5 Support science operations planning.
1.6 Participate in MISE team and project telecons and meetings.
1.7 Generate science publications, for broad dissemination (open access), including peer-reviewed papers for special issues.
1.8 Support the development of and deliver input to the Science Strategic Planning Guide (SSPG) Version 1 starting at Jupiter Orbit Insertion (JOI)-8 months. Support the development and provide inputs for SSPG updates 3 times, once every 10 months starting around the Europa-1 flyby, during Tour Operations to adjust the strategic plans based on updated science investigation knowledge.
1.8.1 Deliver inputs to the development of data policies, investigation synergies, and joint analyses that crosscut individual instruments and investigations in accordance with the Science Management Plan (Exhibit I, “Applicable/Reference Documents List”).
1.8.2 Negotiate data downlink ordering priorities, shared observations, and prioritization of science observation.
1.9 Perform Tour Reference Activity Plan (RAP) science review during late cruise (scheduled for JOI-6 months).
1.10 Provide input to and participate actively in all aspects of Project Science Group (PSG) Thematic Working Groups (TWGs) and Focus Groups (FGs) activities relevant to the science investigation. This shall include, but not be limited to, the development of the SSPG, including science campaigns and high-level observation strategies in accordance with the Europa Clipper Role of the Science System in Uplink Planning (Exhibit I, “Applicable/Reference Documents List”).
1.11 Reviews and Meetings:
Attend and participate in the following meetings and telecons. With the exception of the PSG where in person attendance is required of PSG members, all meetings will be hybrid and in person attendance is at the discretion of the Subcontractor: