Non PSI Personnel: Debra Buczkowski (Co-Investigator, John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
Project Description
Science-PI/Co-I Runyon will lead the overall science investigation and will gather LRO data, create geologic maps and geologic cross sections, and integrate data analysis from APL Institutional PI Ben Greenhagen, Co-I Debra Buczkowski, NASA/Goddard teammates Noah Petro and Dan Moriarty, and University of Munster collaborators Carolyn van der Bogert and Harold Hiesinger. S-PI Runyon will organize meetings and ad hoc collaborations within the group and lead the effort to write and submit publications, to present results at scientific conferences, and to engage the public with the results. S-PI Runyon will also work with APL Institutional PI Greenhagen in preparingand submitting NASA progress reports.