Project Description
Canadensys has worked previously with Dr. Matthew Siegler of the Planetary Science Institute during Phase A of the LRM contract. The design of the LRM remains largely similar to the design defined during Phase A, with more in-depth design definition, analysis and implementation to be conducted during Phases B through D. The current design is focused on a polar mission, with a launch expected in the late 2026 timeframe. The LRM will carry several Canadian science instruments, as well as the U.S. LAFORGE instrument.
This Statement of Work (SOW) provides a summary of the work to be performed and the deliveries to be made by PSI to Canadensys for the CSA LEAP Lunar Rover Phase B, C, and D project (PSPC Contract # 9F052-200303/003/ST).
Dr. Siegler should become familiar with the science aspects of the LRM Phase B/C/D RFP and the related Canadensys Bid/Proposal to follow. Within the RFP, particular focus should be placed on Table 3-2 Planned Meetings (p. 83-85); Section 8 SCIENCE (p. 114-119); and Table A-2 Contract Data Requirements List (p.129-140). In terms of the LAFORGE instrument, Dr. Siegler should become familiar with the latest scientific investigations proposed by APL and the
instrument’s capabilities.
Tasks to be performed by and Deliverables to be received from Dr. Siegler shall include:
a. Participating in all mission and LAFORGE instrument Science Team activities, including regular telecons, to contribute to the ongoing development of the mission and instrument and convey results of ongoing lunar surface thermal modeling studies.
b. Performing independent landing site thermal assessments and advising the mission PI, Science Team, and science planners in aspects of their ConOps trade study activities.
c. Performing independent instrument scene thermal models to be used to refine instrument radiometric and performance modeling and advising the LAFORGE instrument PI, Science Team, and technical staff in aspects of their requirements definition and validation activities.
d. Separate from LAFORGE contributions, supporting the development of landing site ice stability maps.
e. Preparing software tools needed in order to support near-real-time analysis of LAFORGEmeasurements during the mission, in support of rover real-time operations planning. In Phases B, C and D, this will involve planning and developing LRM-specific customization of existing 3-D thermal modelling tools developed by Dr. Siegler and getting those tools tested and ready to use prior to launch.
f. Participating in internal team studies, as required;
g. Contributing to scientific publications, as opportunity presents; and
h. Archiving science data and technical documentation related to the above deliverables, as required.
i. Technical/progress reports (i.e., description of work performed/updates on contract Statement of Work Tasks and Deliverables) as requested by the Buyer’s Technical Authority.