PSI’s Peter Buhler is the lead author of a paper that studies the atmospheric pressure cycle of Mars. Mars’ atmospheric pressure is a key determinant for supporting liquid surface water and thus surface life.
Mars’ atmosphere is primarily CO2, which exchanges with Mars’ polar CO2 ice cap and a vast reservoir of CO2 molecules coating the grains in the Martian soil, in a cycle of “deep breathing” every 100,000 years. Exchange between these reservoirs causes substantial variation to Mars’ surface pressure, driven by changes in the global distribution of sunlight as Mars wobbles on its spin axis over hundred-thousand-year cycles. Mars’ CO2 exchange “breathing” cycle is similar, yet alien, to the way wobbles in Earth’s spin axis cause Earth’s ice age glacial cycles.
As CO2 moves between Mars’ atmosphere, polar cap, and soil, it leaves a record: alternating CO2 ice (i.e., “dry ice”) and water ice layers in the polar cap. The thickness of the CO2 ice layers indicate how much CO2 moves through each cycle, allowing calculation of the total CO2 inventory. This record is important because there are no direct measurements of how much total CO2 is in Mars’ soil, which contains far more CO2 than the current atmosphere and polar cap combined.
Buhler and his co-author Sylvain Piqueux of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory constructed a thermophysical numerical model that predicts how thick the CO2 layers would be for various total CO2 inventories. They then compared the model results to the observed polar layers to determine the most likely amount of total CO2.
They found that Mars’ soil holds approximately four times more CO2 than previously thought. This means that Mars’ recent peak surface pressure can only reach about 60 percent as high as prior predictions, because the soil has more capacity to drawn down the atmosphere. Lower peak surface pressure makes liquid surface water difficult to achieve in Mars’ recent history. However, the soil’s larger capacity to hold CO2 also means that Mars has more total CO2, which may have helped to support liquid surface water more easily on ancient Mars.

This image was taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera onboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission. Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona